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Robyn Sanderson's research on a "new stellar stream, born outside the Milky Way, discovered with machine learning"
Eyes on the Sky - Ashley Baker, GR’20, loves sharing the excitement of experimental astronomy
Special Statement Regarding Graduate Admissions in 2020
Welcome new Assistant Professors, Arnold Mathijssen and Martin Claassen!
Lisa Tran Wins Glenn H. Brown Prize of the International Liquid Crystal Society
Prof. Nader Engheta to receive the 2020 Max Born Award
Bo Zhen's research in "Fixing leaky optical pipes with topological glue"
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Condensed and Living Matter Seminar: "The thermodynamics and electrokinetics of 'blue' energy"
René van Roij (Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht University)
Rittenhouse Lecture
Sara Seager (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Condensed and Living Matter Seminar: "Actin dynamics regulate spatial mixing of mitochondria in dividing cells"
Erika Holzbaur (Department of Physiology, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine)
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Women in Physics
Diversity and Inclusion in Physics
Equal Opportunity Policies and Procedures
Penn Affirmative Action Policy
University Policies